Иконка КалендарьИконка ПоискИконка Глазик

Application Process

If you don't speak Russian, we offer to study Russian before studying at the University  during one year at the additional educational program "Russian as a foreign language".

If you speak Russian, you can enter the University without special preferences, passing entrance examinations equally with Russian citizens and other foreigners who speak Russian.

  • Choose a study programme – see Faculty of Media Technologies and  Faculty of Screen Arts 
  • Find out, which type of degree courses the University offers at the chosen area and the duration of the course – Bachelor's Degree (4-5 years study), Master's Degree (2 years study), Specialist (5-6 years study), Post Graduate Study (3-4 years study) – see Study Programmes
  • If you apply for the place with payment of tuition fee – see Tuition fees
  • Apply during the application period – see Application Period
  • To get the list of documents –  see List of Documents
  • To get the list of examinations for your programme – see Entrance Examinations
  • If you must take creative and professional entrance examinations, see the information for applicants on the Russian version of the university's website
  • Online application (the link will be active during the application period)

Association of Educational Institutions for Art and Culture

The Association of Educational Institutions of Art and Culture, which includes SPbGIKiT, won a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the project "Second Higher Education as a Factor in Increasing the Level of Training of Specialists in Creative Professions"

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