Information Systems and Technologies

09.03.02 Information Systems and Technologies


Information Technologies in Media Industry


Bachelor’s Degree



An Engineer of this specialization should be ready for professional activity in design, operating and updating  of production media complexes  based on usage of local and distributed data and communication systems. The SPbGUKiT has a unique training of graduates that implies a combination of technical, creative and economic aspects of engineering.

Students obtain a wide range of knowledge and practical skills during their educational process including:

• building hardware platforms of information systems – micro platforms, desktops, servers, clusters;

• technologies of design, operation and testing of software tools for working with audio-visual materials including the user interface, application software, operating systems, client-server solutions;

• video and audio signals recording and processing for solving creative tasks on basis of modern hardware programmed equipment;

• creating animations, animated graphics, special effects for 2D and 3D movies;

• designing and operation of  media content distribution systems  in digital Cinematography, Television, the Internet via data transmission network using file and streaming protocols;

• technically competent and creative usage of methods and means of image and sound signal compression with the fundamental properties of psychophysical perception of audiovisual information.

According to the State Standard on Optional Disciplines the University has developed its own content of the curriculum which includes lectures, seminars and laboratory classes with subject areas which correspond fully to the requirements of Media Industry of the XXI century. These requirements arise from the widespread use of information technologies universal instrumentation  for production, distribution and view of the audiovisual media content in Cinematography, television, radio and the Internet.

SPbGUKiT has established relationships with large Russian Media Holdings to train specialists in the Information Technologies area who are able to work in TV, film and media companies almost at all positions of creative and technological process.


Curriculum Disciplines for 09.03.02 Information Systems and Technologies

Humanitarian, Social and Economic Disciplines

Basic Subjects: Philosophy, History, Cultural Studies, Foreign Language.

Optional Subjects: Cultural Science; Theory of Economics; Psychology; Electronic Means of Mass Information in Modern Society, Science of Law, History of Television and Cinematography, History and Culture of Saint-Petersburg; Information  Law; Business Foreign Language.

Mathematics and Natural Sciences Disciplines

Basic Subjects: Mathematics; Information Science; Physics; Chemistry; Ecology.

Optional Subjects: Engineering and Computer Graphics; Colour Theory and Multimedia Technologies of Colour Reproduction; Operational Calculus; Difference Equations and Z-transform;  Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Basis of System Theory; Mathematical Methods of Signal Description; Discrete Mathematics.

Specialization Disciplines

Basic Subjects: Theory of Information Processes and Systems; Information Technologies; Architecture Data Operating Systems; Programming Techniques; Data Management; Data Processing Technologies; Intellectual Systems and Technologies; Data Systems Tools; Projecting Methods and Means of Testing Data Systems and Technologies; Information and Communication Systems and Networks.

Optional Subjects: Introduction to the Speciality, Computer Record and Audio Signals Processing; Computer Recording and Video Signals Processing; Multimedia Information Complexes; Technologies of Reproduction and Display of Audio-Visual Data; Microprocessor Systems; Sensors of Audio and Video Signals in Data Operating Systems; Computer Animation; Web-Programming; Visual Effects Creation in Film and Television; Equipment and Technologies for Audiovisual Programmes Production; Semiotics of Screen Arts; Mobile Applications Development; Commercialization of Technologies; Computer Music Technology; Information Technology in the Archives; Interactive TV; News Broadcasting; Digital Restoration of Archive Film and Photo Documents; Information Technologies in Mass Media; Systems of Dimensional Television and  Cinematography; Methods of Image Compression and Encoding.
