Fith-year student took part at the International Congress of students and young professionals in Krakow

11 November 2014

Alexander Fazleev, a student of the Faculty of Film and Television Technology,  became the member of the Russian delegation at the Congress, held under the auspices of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) - the largest and most prestigious international engineering organizations.

There were organized lectures, workshops and visits to the research centers of world-leading engineering firms for the participants of the Congress. The main purpose of the event is the exchange of knowledge and experience, as well as the setting up of professional contacts.

- The congress was attended by over 300 participants from 50 countries, all spoke English with a completely different accents and it is a bit difficult for our communication, - said Alexander Fazleev. - However, the trip itself gave me a lot. Here I met  as they say heaven-born engineers. The Russian delegation included representatives  of  Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI" and Moscow State University.I was amazed by their science activity drive. I`m very glad to get acquainted with people who have so much  ideas and the energy, so they inspired me. I also multiplied my contacts on Facebook, we now communicate regularly, and we  are even planning a joint working trip.

As the Head of the International Relations Office Konstantin Glasman remarks, it`s very  prestigious for the University of Film and Television to participate in such forums:

- Students of the University has a unique opportunity to express themselves and come to the international level, - he says. - These are the main goals of  IEEE Organization, which engages  information and material support of professionals, the development of research activities in the field of electrical engineering, electronics and computer science, using the results achieved for the benefit of society.

